
Sanderson Yachting, a luxury yacht broker in Newport, RI, was on a tight budget but wanted to make their website more user-friendly and convert more website visitors into paying customers. They needed to know how their website users moved through the site, where they “got lost” along the way, and to hear suggestions for subtle but powerful ways to direct users to act.


We conducted a detailed Analytics Audit, reviewing and interpreting how web visitors arrived at the site, how long they spent on pages, and where they went next. This information helped us devise 14 ways the client could improve their site while still working within their current level of technical assistance.

We found a few roadblocks preventing increased site engagement and suggested ways client could easily remove them. We presented a summary of our findings and recommendations in common language so client could fully understand why we were recommending each step. This budget-friendly solution armed the client with information and allowed them to choose what further steps to take when time and money allowed.


Six focus groups produced fresh ideas on University’s brand and messaging, reaffirming existing facets of Salve Regina’s brand and generating ideas on new ways to look at it. This set the stage for a future brand update that includes the input of the campus community itself.

Faculty responded to the opportunity to get involved with great enthusiasm and positivity; once-critical faculty even shared positive viewpoints and opinions. Consensus was reached on many points where friction previously arose.

Participants were able to share concerns about branding and messaging in a supportive environment.

Client received detailed survey results from a wide variety of constituents, further increasing the campus community’s input into future brand messaging.

Client gained new insight into the way their brand is perceived, positioning Salve Regina University for a brand update.

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